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Foto: Fragments no Instagram

Pēdējos gados sociālā vietne "Instagram" kļuvusi par vienu no svarīgākajām slavenību eksponēšanās platformām. Tiek fotografēti un ar neskaitāmiem tēmturiem publicēti ne tikai "selfiji" vai slavenības ikdienas maltīte, bet arī atsevišķas ķermeņa daļas.  Piemēram, vesels "Instagram" konts veltīts tikai un vienīgi pēcpusei. Slavenības labprāt publicē kādu vienu sava ķermeņa detaļu, akcentējot, viņuprāt, ko būtisku (atcerēsimies belfiju bumu). Lūk, piemēram (skat. attēlu), kādas slavenības "Instagram" foto fragments. Uzmini, kura tā ir?

Pareizā atbilde... tā ir modele un blogere no Bali - Adriana Hjūzsa (Adriana Hughes)!


What a blessing it is to be a woman. To be a terrified, vulnerable, always anxious, forever worried, far too loving or far too lusting, loud mouthed, moment grasping, baby-bearing, romance obsessed, super delicate, heart aching, weight loss eager, insecure, over passionate, under cooperative, soul throbbing, idol worshipping, elegantly swearing, cuddle needing, playful and teasing, attention seeking - yet always grabbing, breath taking, strong, and beautiful woman. We aren’t given enough credit. In no way am I asking for recognition but I think it’s important that women celebrate themselves. I think it’s important that women continue to educate themselves, uplift themselves, speak for themselves, stand up for themselves, take care of themselves, touch themselves, and forever and ever love themselves - far more than anyone ever could. It’s important that we remain ourselves, for ourselves, and stay true to everything and everyone that makes sense to ourself. It’s important that we sometimes get lost in the idea that we should be or look like others but all of our flaws are what make us so goddamn beautiful. Women should always remember: never give anyone the power to make you feel small or less than... they don’t know what you go through in order to stay strong everyday. They don’t know your struggles. They dont know the ugliness you face everyday trying your best to become or to stay beautiful. They don’t live inside of you to even know what eats you up at night. You are so strong for continuously fighting every single day, fighting for happiness, fighting for success, fighting to love yourself the way you deserve to be loved. You were never meant to please people - anyone who can’t accept you the way you are should be set free. You were never meant to satisfy everyone - Don’t step out of your comfort zone trying to cater to everyone all at once. You come first, make sure that you’re okay, before anything - before anyone. #goveganeatpapaya

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