Pārstāvot ASV, latvietis Mārtiņš Līcis jūnija vidū triumfēja pasaules spēkavīru sacensībās "World's Strongest Man". Pašlaik 28 gadus vecais Līcis, kurš ir dzimis Rīgā, prestižajās sacensībās piedalījās ceturto reizi. Iepriekš viņš divreiz ieguva 4. vietu (2017. un 2018. gadā), kā arī 6. vietu (2016. gadā).
Kā dzīvo pasaulē stiprākais vīrietis - latvietis Mārtiņš Līcis
IM BACK FOR COACHING! Conquering isn’t easy! It consumes and tunnels my focus! To lead up to my dream show, The Arnold, I essentially stopped all coaching and only focused on my own lifting and body. It paid off, I took second in The World, and am hungrier than ever for first. ? Until the end of the Month, I am accepting new online coaching clients at a rate of $300/program. This is very personalized work; I’ll have you sending me videos of your main lifts to be critiqued, and every training day will be tailored towards a specific contest or goal. After the 1st of April, my rates will go up, as I won’t be able to handle many more people leading up to Worlds Strongest Man. ? After Arnold’s, I’ve been blessed with a flood of messages of support from new and old fans, and I love you guys for it! Frankly, It’s still hard to comprehend. Literally thousands of messages are pouring in and I don’t want my training clients to get lost in the crowd. So message me on my coaching exclusive page @martins.traininghall If you’ve already inquired for training, and I haven’t responded, please resubmit to the coaching Instagram account so I’ll more easily find you! ? I am only taking on a few more people so if you’re serious about getting stronger, let’s do this. ? Looking forward to finding new athletes to make into legends! ? @sbdapparel @sbd.usa @probodycoach @oddhaugen @romarkweiss @lindseybowenn #sbdusa #sbdapparel #nathanPayton #strongman #PersonalTraining #Coaching #onlineCoaching #StrongmanCoach #Conquer #BeALegend #MARTINS
Kā jau ziņots, 2002. gadā "World's Strongest Man" sacensībās 3. vietu ieguva Latvijas pārstāvis Raimonds Bergmanis.
Visvairāk šajās sacensībās uzvarējis Mariušs Pudžianovskis (Polija), kurš to paveicis 5 reizes (2002., 2003., 2005., 2007., 2008. gadā).
Savukārt 4 reizes uzvarējis lietuvietis Židrūns Savicks (2009., 2010., 2012. un 2014. gadā).
"World's Strongest Man" sacensības tiek organizētas kopš 1977. gada.
Līcis šogad ieguva 2. vietu arī "Arnold Strongman Classic" spēkavīru sacensībās, kuras izveidojis pazīstamais Holivudas aktieris Arnolds Švarcenegers.