TVNETSejas.lvHolivudaLuna Mīlaba - Evanna LinčaLūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka raksts ir vairāk nekā piecus gadus vecs un ir pārvietots uz mūsu arhīvu. Mēs neatjauninām arhīvu saturu, tāpēc var būt nepieciešams meklēt jaunākus avotus.Sejas.lv2019. gada 11. augusts 00:00CopyDraugiem X WhatsappRaksta turpinājumsIepriekšējais6 / 9NākamaisHermione Greindžera - Emma VatsoneFreds Vīzlijs - Džeimss FelpsFoto: AP/Scanpix View this post on Instagram I am going to have just one very burnt arm tomorrow ??♀️ Thank you for my adorable new bag which literally says vegan and animal friendly on it because I don’t have time for subtlety!! ?? Thanks @turningorange for taking these pics, you’re officially my Instagram boyfriend now. ?#veganfashion #veganleatherA post shared by Evanna Lynch (@msevylynch) on Aug 2, 2019 at 11:12am PDT View this post on Instagram A post shared by Evanna Lynch (@msevylynch) on Jun 26, 2019 at 1:22pm PDT View this post on Instagram Had the cutest morning ever at the @straycatalliance shelter today! They were the sweetest cats ever, so friendly and playful, and all in need of a home. Stray Cat Alliance is always looking for foster parents in the LA area so if you are able to help, check out their website! Adopting a cat is a commitment and not one to be taken on on a whim but it is SO rewarding and delightful and you end up reading a lot more books because you’d rather stay home on the sofa with your cat than go out, so that’s cool. Check out their page and my stories today for more pictures of these beautiful tiny celestial creatures ???#StrayCatAlliance #cats #catsofinstagramA post shared by Evanna Lynch (@msevylynch) on May 29, 2019 at 2:57pm PDT View this post on Instagram Ruled by no one but the sun. ?????A post shared by Evanna Lynch (@msevylynch) on May 13, 2019 at 6:31am PDT View this post on Instagram Omg look, sheep! ? Now that I have your attention, hello! ?? This week I’m running my first ever @kinderbeautybox GIVEAWAY on instagram, aka the #KinderFriendGiveaway for all you animal lovers! I’ve been looking for a way to bring more animal activism into the work we do at Kinder Beauty because as much as I ? beauty and makeup, the cause - creating a world free of animal exploitation - is the heart of why we do what we do, and why I ventured into co-founding a business. So I would like to learn about the activism YOU do for animals by offering a Kinder beauty box for you and a for friend ?? For a chance to win a Kinder Beauty box for you AND a friend all you gotta do is: 1️⃣ Nominate a friend who makes the world a Kinder place for animals by posting a photo of them on Instagram and explaining why you admire their animal activism. 2️⃣ Use the hashtag #KinderFriendGiveaway 3️⃣ Tag me and @kinderbeautybox. 4️⃣ Post between now and next Thursday! The competition opens today and ends next Thursday at 12 noon Pacific Time. Animal activism can be anything from supporting your local animal sanctuary, to baking a vegan cake ? for friends to caring for a vulnerable animal to being your cat’s slave for a day ? (jk, that’s every day). I just want to hear from you activists and see the interesting ways you’re engaging people to care about animals! ????❤️ I’ll announce the winner on my page next week and share what we love about your friend’s story so make sure it’s a picture you like!! ?? This pic was taken at Huglett’s farm sanctuary for the @veganlife_mag shoot so it’s not so much activism as me having a cute hangout with sheep...but you get the idea. Looking forward to reading your posts! #KinderFriendGiveaway #KinderBeauty #vegan #crueltyfreebeauty #activism #sheepA post shared by Evanna Lynch (@msevylynch) on May 9, 2019 at 2:42pm PDT View this post on Instagram Sistas ???A post shared by Evanna Lynch (@msevylynch) on Jan 19, 2019 at 9:11am PST View this post on Instagram OKAY GUYS. I saw The Crimes of Grindelwald this evening and my mind is spinning in circles with excitement and dizziness at how much the wizarding world has just developed and expanded ? my god I wanted to pause the movie every few seconds to just gape at the people around me and try to regain my chill. Also I will be interviewing the cast of @fantasticbeastsmovie in the morning and I have been given free reign to ask whatever I like ???? so you can be sure I am staying up til 4 tonight composing the nerdiest of nerd questions and if you have any very creative and thoughtful questions related to the stories/characters/theories feel free to comment below and I will try to ask a couple tomorrow. Check out my story tomorrow for updates :) ? #FantasticBeasts #TheCrimesOfGrindelwald #quibblerexclusive #Dumbledore #thewizardingworldsalternativevoiceA post shared by Evanna Lynch (@msevylynch) on Nov 2, 2018 at 1:21am PDT View this post on Instagram Please can every week of @dancingabc be Disney week?? I am obsessed!!! ? Thank you @aloyoga for the outfit and @iammelissalynn for kitting me out for rehearsals :)A post shared by Evanna Lynch (@msevylynch) on Oct 18, 2018 at 7:08pm PDT View this post on Instagram Leaning on ukulele practice today to stay sane ? there is something so quietly rebellious and satisfying about having a hundred demands on your time from dreams and plans, and then saying ummm nahhh I’m gonna go do something that has no purpose whatsoever but to cheer me up ? the song is called Cheatin’ Heart and don’t tell me how to improve my messy strumming tysm ❤️ #selfcareA post shared by Evanna Lynch (@msevylynch) on Jun 13, 2018 at 10:22am PDT View this post on Instagram Peace out, New York!!✌??? Photo by @emiliomk for @broadwaycomA post shared by Evanna Lynch (@msevylynch) on Mar 5, 2018 at 4:48am PSTRaksta turpinājumsIepriekšējais6 / 9NākamaisHermione Greindžera - Emma VatsoneFreds Vīzlijs - Džeimss FelpsKomentāriCopyDraugiem X Whatsapp
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