Šodienas redaktors:
Krista Garanča
Iesūti ziņu!

Lielo izmēru modele Iskra Lorensa ir bērniņa gaidībās

Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka raksts ir vairāk nekā piecus gadus vecs un ir pārvietots uz mūsu arhīvu. Mēs neatjauninām arhīvu saturu, tāpēc var būt nepieciešams meklēt jaunākus avotus.
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Foto: instagram.com/iskra/

Pasaulslavenā britu modele Iskra Lorensa (29) sociālajos tīklos paziņoja, ka ir sava pirmā bērniņa gaidībās.

"Mēs vairs neesam tikai divatā, tagad mūsu ģimenē ir trīs cilvēki," kadru kopā ar mīļoto vīrieti Filipu Peinu komentē topošā māmiņa.

Viņa atklāja arī to, ka pašlaik ir 17. grūtniecības nedēļā.


It’s not just the two of us anymore, we're soon to be a family of 3 ❤️ When @Philipapayne ran out and got us six boxes of #ad @firstresponsepregnancy Early Result tests, our lives changed forever. We were so shocked when we saw those two lines and we knew for sure we were having a baby?? Right now we’re 17 weeks and 3 days pregnant! ?? And I can't wait to share with you what these last 4 months have been like. I’ve never been more excited to meet anyone, and Philip and I are in love with our mini baby P bump ? I’m well aware of the struggles many women face with infertility and how lucky I am. That is why I’ll be giving away $10,000 to help and support one of you in your pregnancy journey (more deets coming soon). Thank you so much #firstresponsepregnancy for supporting me and all of the work you do to support couples struggling to conceive. It’s something very close to my heart with many of my best friends and family members experiencing these challenges. Can’t believe I’m finally telling the whole damn world our magical news sending you all lots of love xx #2MeansYes #preggo #pregnancyannouncement #17weeks #pregnant

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Dzeltenā prese vēsta, ka Lorensa un Peins iepazinās 2018. gada "Grammy" ballītē, bet romantiskas jūtas starp abiem uzvirmoja vien 2018. gada oktobrī.

Uz augšu