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Krista Garanča
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Virkne slavenību piedalās ASV protestos pret rasismu (6)

Ariana Grande, Bens Afleks un daudzi citi

Vairākās ASV pilsētās notiek protesti un nekārtības pret policiju saistībā ar melnādainā vīrieša Džordža Floida nogalināšanu. Tajos piedalās arī virkne slavenību, paužot savu nostāju.

Ariana Grande

Amerikāņu dziedātāja Ariana Grande izteikusies šādi: "Mēs bijām kaislīgi, mēs bijām skaļi, mēs bijām mīloši. Mediji, atspoguļojiet arī šo!"


Amerikāņu dziedātāja Holzija piedalījusies protestos Losandželosā. Diemžēl viņa saskārusies ar ļoti nepatīkamu attieksmi no likumsargu puses. Lai arī protestētājti nepārkāpa līniju un bija ar paceltām rokām, policisti tik un tā lietoja gāzes ieročus un gumijas lodes. 

Dziedātāja ne tikai piedalījās protesta gājienā, bet arī sniedza medicīnisko palīdzību tiem, kuri protestu laikā tika ievainoti. 


It’s become very clear to me that some of you need to see what I’ve seen. Please swipe through this. These pictures and videos don’t even scratch the surface. It’s easy from the comfort of your home to watch looting and rioting on television and condone the violent measures being taken by forces. But what you don’t see is innocent peaceful protestors being shot at and tear gassed and physically assaulted relentlessly. You think it’s not happening, it’s only the “thugs” and the “riots”, right? The police are keeping you safe right? You’re wrong. This is happening everywhere. And innocent people exercising their rights to speech and assembly are facing violence and abuse of power. With all of our medical professionals being CONSUMED and EXHAUSTED with Covid, there is little to no medical attention available. I have first hand treated men women and children who have been shot in the chest, the face, the back. Some will lose vision some have lost fingers. I have been covered in innocent blood. My father is a black man. My mother is an EMT. This week I had to put those two associations together in ways that have horrified me. This is NOT a virtue signaling post. But I HAVE to show you what I am witnessing with my own eyes. With Trump’s decision today to enforce the mobilization of armed forces on our own citizens, this has escalated beyond your privilege and comfort to not care. Please care. We are begging you to care. This is war on Americans. This is everyone’s problem. Everyone’s. #BLACKLIVESMATTER

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Timotijs Šalamets 

Franču—amerikāņu aktieris Timotijs Šalamets, kurš atveido vienu no galvenajām lomām oskarotajā filmā "Sauc mani savā vārdā", piedalījās protestos Santamonikā.

Arī latviešu dejotāja Ieva Biteniece atrodas Santamonikā, daloties ar kadriem no protestiem.

Kols Sprauss

Seriāla "Riverdale" aktieris Kols Sprauss apgalvo, ka tika arestēts Santamonikas protestu laikā svētdien, 31. maijā. 


A group of peaceful protesters, myself included, were arrested yesterday in Santa Monica. So before the voracious horde of media sensationalism decides to somehow turn it about me, there’s a clear need to speak about the circumstances: Black Lives Matter. Peace, riots, looting, are an absolutely legitimate form of protest. the media is by nature only going to show the most sensational, which only proves a long standing racist agenda. I was detained when standing in solidarity, as were many of the final vanguard within Santa Monica. We were given the option to leave, and were informed that if we did not retreat, we would be arrested. When many did turn to leave, we found another line of police officers blocking our route, at which point, they started zip tying us. It needs to be stated that as a straight white man, and a public figure, the institutional consequences of my detainment are nothing in comparison to others within the movement. This is ABSOLUTELY not a narrative about me, and I hope the media doesn’t make it such. This is, and will be, a time about standing ground near others as a situation escalates, providing educated support, demonstrating and doing the right thing. This is precisely the time to contemplate what it means to stand as an ally. I hope others in my position do as well. I noticed that there are cameras that roll within the police cruisers during the entirety of our detainment, hope it helps. I’ll speak no more on the subject, as I’m (1) not well versed enough to do so, (2) not the subject of the movement, and (3) uninterested in drawing attention away from the leaders of the #BLM movement. I will be, again, posting the link in my story to a comprehensive document for donations and support.

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Džeimijs Fokss

Aktieris Džeimijs Fokss apmeklēja Mineapolisu, pilsētu, kurā tika nogalināts Džordžs Floids, lai pievienotos protestantiem. Viņš pūlim sacīja, ka nav ieradies kā "slavenība". "Šie ir mani brāļi. Tas nozīmē visu, jo dienas beigās mēs jūs redzam un vēlamies, lai jūs zinātu, ka jums ir mūsu atbalsts," sacīja Fokss. 

Protestantu vidū arī Maikla Džeksona meita Parisa Džeksone, amerikāņu dziedātājs Migels, reperis "Chance the Rapper", aktieris Bens Afleks ar mīļoto sievieti un daudzi citi. Tāpat daudzas slavenības paudušas savu attieksmi pret rasismu sociālajos tīklos.


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Jau vēstīts, ka ASV jau astoto dienu nerimstas protesti, kurus izraisījusi melnādainā Džordža Floida nāve policijas aizturēšanas operācijas laikā.

Uz augšu