Šodienas redaktors:
Krista Garanča

10 dienu vecumā miris Snūpdoga mazbērns

Foto: Reuters/ScanPix

​15. septembrī piedzima amerikāņu repera un aktiera Snūpdoga jeb Kordozara Kelvina Broudesa (47) atvases Korda Broudesa (25) dēls Kais. Viņa dzīvība izdzisa pēc 10 dienām, 25. septembrī, paziņoja ģimene.

Snūpdoga vecākais dēls Kords par traģisko notikumu sabiedrību informēja sociālajā tīklā “Instagram”: “Viņš nomira manās rokās. [..] Dzīve ir skaista, un Soraja [bērna māte – red. piez.] ir atradusi mieru un dodas uz priekšu dzīvē ar lielu smaidu uz lūpām.”


Thank you for all the condolences. I think we missed the biggest lesson tho. My son did all he needed to do in his 10 days here on earth. He has now graduated and continuing to do work. He died in my arms and that feeling of energy will never leave me. Kai wants all of you to kno he’s doing great and wants to continue to inspire those who light is dim. It makes perfect sense to me why 2 spiritual loving and healing people like me and Soraya was given an angel like Kai and now we will use his energy to raise 11 to the best person she can be for ALL of us. Life is beautiful y’all and I want y’all to kno Soraya is at peace and is moving forward with huge smiles and A little baby running around thinking she grown ????. Jus want to use my spotlight for happiness and growth and not anything less than. Thank you! Now let’s get back to our soul purpose - Kai Love

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Korda māte Šante Broudesa (47) pāragri aizgājušajam mazbērnam publiski veltīja “The Dells” dziesmu “The Love We Had Stays on My Mind”.

Kā zināms, Snūpdoga pirmais mazbērns Zaions nāca pasaulē 2015. gadā – viņa vecāki ir Kords un nu jau bijusī mīļotā Džesika Kaizere.

Uz augšu