Šodienas redaktors:
Krista Garanča

Sabiedrībā pazīstami cilvēki publisko savas nedēļas nogales fotogrāfijas (4)

Foto: instagram.com/aiviscerins/

Kā jau katru nedēļu, esam apkopojuši slavenību ievietotās fotogrāfijas sociālajos tīklos, lai informētu savus lasītājus par Latvijā pazīstamu cilvēku gaitām brīvdienās. Ko šajā nedēļas nogalē ir darījuši iemīļoti, tautā pazīstami cilvēki un topošās zvaigznes?


Внутренний драйв. ? @instakids_msk #певица #режиссёр #преподователь #Москва

A post shared by Liene Greifāne Лиене Грейфане (@lienegreifane) on


A post shared by JUSTS (@justs_official) on


Mana dzimšanas diena! Zināt, kas ir labākais šajā vecumā? Vairs nav tā ārprātīgā maksimālisma, kad gribas visu sacirst melnā un baltā, kad šķiet, ka jānoliekas garšļaukus Brīvības ielai pa vidu, lai kaut ko panāktu, kad šķiet jānoģērbjas plikai, lai mani sadzirdētu. Ir tāds foršs briedums, kurā pieņemt sev vēlamus lēmumus, taču ir vēl riktīga jaunības sajūta, jo sievietes pēc 35 nav tantes, ja vien pašas sevi par tādām nepadara. Ir tik labi just, ka nav vienas patiesības un, ja cilvēki izvēlas domāt un dzīvot atšķirīgi no manis, tā drīkst būt. Vai man tuvojas pusmūža krīze? Jo vajadzētu taču, vēl daži gadi un būs 40. Es nezinu. Zinu tikai to, ka vecumam ir nozīme tad, ja ieciklējamies uz to un tajā saskatām trūkumus. Ja mums šķiet, ka esam veci un vairs neko nevaram, mums ir taisnība, taču mums ir taisnība arī tad, ja jūtam, ka jaunība spēcina un mēs varam. Es iekāpju savas dzīves 37. gadā, maniem vecākiem noteikti tas šķiet kosmoss - viņu jaunākajam bērnam 37! Šis gads mani nesīs uz tālām pasaules malām, es to nojaušu pavisam skaidri un ļauju tam notikt, lai piedzīvotu sevis slīpēšanu līdz mirdzumam! . . #happybirthday #birthday #rosesarered #37 #dzimšanasdiena

A post shared by Kristine Virsnite (@kristine_virsnite) on



A post shared by Niklavs Kurpnieks (@niklavs_) on


Blakus omītei☀️

A post shared by Anta Aizupe (@anteeena) on


Atpūtnieki! :) #latvia #riga #zoo #rantex #nena

A post shared by Mareks Dainis aka [Ex] da Bass (@officialexdabass) on


On home floor for the first time tonight!! ??

A post shared by Kristaps Porzingis (@kporzee) on


Pagājušā gadsimta tehnoloģijas, kā dizaina elemts.:))

A post shared by mmmagic (@mmmagic) on


EMBRACE YOUR FLAWS! ?? I DID A wise man once said: 'We were born to be real, not to be perfect'. We all have our flaws and insecurities but instead of getting rid of them all, choose one flaw and turn it into 'that special thing about her'! It should be your authentic differentiation mark from all the others. Be proud of it, start loving it and even over exaggerate the fact that you have 'that thing' about you. Let me give you some examples. Kim's flaw was her biggest asset which she over exaggerated and was putting it in our faces straightforward. Now we cannot imagine Kim without her assets, right? Barbra Streisand would stay as just another wanna be star actress if she had had a nose job done. The movie that made her a star was 'Funny Girl' and that hairstyle of hers on the poster made her nose look even bigger. Sofia Vergara! Can you imagine her without the accent? Now imagine her speaking in a fluent British accent. Her funny accent makes her stand out and she has learned to embrace it and make jokes about it. I hated my speech defect (not able to pronounce 's' correctly) and was very glad I had no 's' in my name! I would often even try to avoid using words with letter 's' when I talked to someone. How crazy is that?! But it all changed when someone told me that it's very special about me. When I was a little girl, my mom took me to a speech therapist and she said I had to have a procedure where a doctor would cut my undertounge. Without any anesthesia. I was six years old. My mom could not bear a thought of it doing to me and we left. Today I am not ashamed of it anymore but instead I've learned to love it about me. That's what makes me real, not perfect. I have learned to embrace my flaw and I want you to learn to embrace yours! Are you brave enough to name your flaw here? I just did however I have never ever talked about it. Let us know your flaw and we will make it as your 'she has something about her' thing. Who'll go first? #embraceyourflaws P.S. I was inspired by @jeetendr_sehdev book 'The Kim Kardashian Principle' to talk about my flaws and to inspire you not to be ashamed of yours!

A post shared by MAIJA ARMANEVA Content Creator (@maija_armaneva) on


True story @doublefacedeels @marka_dfe @reinis_straume @petrauskasinthehousekas @sorbidex

A post shared by Sanda Dejus (@sandadejus) on


Pipars atrada rudeni?? #pipars

A post shared by Dons (@dons_lv) on


Ja padod ar mīlestību, tad krīt????

A post shared by Kivicsskulme (@kivicsskulme) on


Kā @laurisreiniks teiktu - man vajag izvēdināt galvu! ✈️

A post shared by Rūta Dvinska (@rutadvinska) on


bloomers ???

A post shared by KARLINA CAUNE (@karlinacaune) on


Tikšanās vietu mainīt nedrīkst??☀️

A post shared by AGNESE ZELTINA (@actressagnesezeltina) on



A post shared by Renārs Zeltiņš (@renarszeltins) on


Priecīgi Viļņā

A post shared by Aija Vitolina (@aijavitolina) on


Locals say it’s not a mountain. ⛰ What do you think?! Enjoying last days of summer. ?

A post shared by CarnivalYouth (@carnivalyouth) on


Oh the love, the happiness.... #suņi #backtogether

A post shared by Zelma Jegere (@tak_tak_watafak) on

Uz augšu