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Krista Garanča
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Populārā modele Salmgrieze iestājas par bērnu darbaspēka aizliegšanu (9)

Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka raksts ir vairāk nekā piecus gadus vecs un ir pārvietots uz mūsu arhīvu. Mēs neatjauninām arhīvu saturu, tāpēc var būt nepieciešams meklēt jaunākus avotus.
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Foto: instagram/luize_salmgrieze

Pasaulslavenā latviešu modele Luīze Salmgrieze-Kampio sociālajos tīklos publiskojusi ļoti emocionālu stāstu par laiku, kad 15 gadu vecumā jau strādājusi kā modele.

"Rokoties cauri arhīvu foto, atradu šo fotogrāfiju. Te man ir 15 gadi, esmu Milānas modes nedēļā, sveru 50 kilogramu vai mazāk, man ir apaļīga seja un slikta āda. Viss, kas man rūpēja un par ko es domāju, bija mani apkārtmēri un tas, cik daudz modes šovos es piedalos," pie publicētās fotogrāfijas vietnē "Instagram" raksta populārā modele.

Viņa turpina: "Cilvēki man saka: "Tu esi tik iedvesmojoša!" Ja šī ir iedvesma citiem, es negribu būt tā! Cilvēki man saka: "Tu esi tik pieaugusi. Nespēju noticēt, ka tev ir tikai 15 gadi!" Nē, es nebiju pieaugusi un, nē, 15 gados nevajadzētu būt modelei un saņemt spiedienu būt par kaut kādu skaitli mērlentē."

Tāpat modele aicina aizliegt bērnu darbaspēka izmantošanu.


I was asked by a journalist in Latvia to send some pictures as addition to an article we are preparing about #eatingdisorder. I had to dig deep in the archives and I came across this image of myself. Here I am 15 years old , fashion week in Milan, probably around 50 kg or less, puffy face, bad skin. All that I was caring and thinking about was my measurements and the amount of fashion shows I was doing. People would tell me “You are so inspiring !” If that’s the inspiration for others , I don’t want to be one ! People would tell me “ You are so mature! Can’t believe You are only 15.” No , I wasn’t mature at all and ,no, 15 year old shouldn’t be a #model and to have pressure to be some number on a measuring tape. ? ✋ Ban child labor! #modelalliance #time4respect

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Jau vēstīts, ka Ņujorkā dzīvojošā latviešu modele Luīze Salmgrieze-Kampio sociālajos tīklos nesen nāca klajā ar emocionālu un vaļsirdīgu vēstuli par to, ko viņai nācies piedzīvot, sākot modeles gaitas - viņa cieta no bulīmijas, kā arī piedzīvojusi seksuālu uzmākšanos. 


For a long time I’ve been having trouble with my instagram identity. I just had a hard time to find a reason to post and I wasn’t sure what my message to my followers would be . I deleted instagram and took a break , then came back to start from a scratch and posted mostly work pictures cause I felt like that’s what everyone wanted to see or family pictures cause I am just incredibly proud of them. But just kind of felt like it was all a little pointless and really a show off. Finally I came to conclusion that really what matters is to stay true to yourself and give ! Giving and sharing information ! That is something I want to do with my social platform . From now on I will try to share more of the TRUE things that I’ve found helpful and interesting on my journey . I will be more HONEST with You guys about the good and the bad experiences I have, because the fake perfection bubble that we all see is what causes so much anxiety and doubt in ourselves . Trust me, there is no such a thing as perfect life . If You think someone has it all perfect , its just an illusion that person has built around themselves. We all have issues , we all get sick, we all go to bathroom and we all sometimes doubt ourselves and get a pimple. Its just life! #mylifeisnotperfect and it’s OK ! ☕️ ?

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Ice ice baby ❄️ ? #williamsburg #brooklyn

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Who is this girl ? ??‍♀️ makeover by the hair masters of @spokeandweal ??✨

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