Šodienas redaktors:
Krista Garanča
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Noklausies iepriekš nepubliskotu "Oasis" dziesmu

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Bijušais Mančestras brašuļu «Oasis» galvenais dziesmu autors Noels Galahers (Noel Gallagher) publicējis iepriekš nedzirdētu grupas dziesmu "Don’t Stop…", kuras demo esot atradis ierakstītu diskā savās mājās.

"Cik man zināms, ir tikai viena šīs dziesmas versija pieejama - pirms piecpadsmit gadiem skaņu provē Honkongā ieskaņota," grupas "Instagram" profilā komentē Noels Galahers. "Neesmu drošs, vai manis atrastais demo ieskaņots pirms Honkongas vai pēc - datums uz CD nav norādīts."


Hey there dudes and dollies. Like the rest of the world I’ve had infinite time to kill lately so I thought I’d FINALLY look and find out what was actually on the HUNDREDS of faceless unmarked cd’s I’ve got lying around in boxes at home. As fate would have it I have stumbled across an old demo which I thought had been lost forever. As far as I’m aware there is only one version of this tune “out there” from an Oasis soundcheck in Hong Kong about 15 years ago? I’m not sure whether the soundcheck version pre dates the demo as there’s no date on the CD. I know some of you love this tune so we thought we’d put it “out there” for you to enjoy/argue over. It’ll be up on the Internet from midnight. The song is called: 'Don’t Stop...' Hope everyone is staying safe and trying to ride out the lockdown with the minimum of fuss. You’re welcome by the way. ✌?(NG)

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Noklausies: "Don’t Stop…".

Dziesma ir no laika posma, kad izdots albums "Dig Out Your Soul" (2008). Gadu vēlāk grupa izjuka. 

Nepalaid garām!

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